[Dr.Jart+] Ceramidin Lip Balm



[Dr.Jart+] Ceramidin Lip Balm

  • Ceramide-based lip balm also contains moisturizing oils derived from babassu seed, avocado, jojoba seed, coconut and pomegranate seed.
  • Lips stay hydrated longer and are less prone to flaking or drying.
  • Made without parabens or phthalates.
  • Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Lipair is a highly moisturizing tube-type lip treatment that conveniently takes care of dry lips.
  • Protects and moisturizes chapped lips.
  • With 5 kinds of ceramide to create a moisture barrier to retain moisture for a long time.
  • Dermatologically tested.


  • يرطب ويملأ الشفاه بفضل احتوائه على 5 أنواع من حمض الهيالورونيك والزيوت من الكاميليا ونبات القرطم لتغذية الشفاه وتهدئتها
  • يعالج التشققات ويمنح البشرة نعومة ومرونة
  • يعالج جفاف واسمرار الشفاة

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