[COSRX] Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml

سعر البيع$7.50


[COSRX] Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml

 غسول جل صباحى للوجه بدرجة حموضة قليلة 150 مل

  • Sustain moisture every day and all day long
  • For AM time & sensitive skin. Mildly acidic pH 5.0 ~ 6.0 similar to skin’s natural pH level.
  • Contain tea-tree oil : control oily skin, shrink pore size.
  • Contain natural BHA : refine skin texture.
  • WHY choose Good Morning Mildly Acidic Cleanser?
    Low pH formula gel cleanser doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils and contains purifying botanical ingredients and mild acids to gently cleanse your skin to its most supple and clear texture. It's also formulated to remove makeup and other oil-based residue with a skin-happy pH of 5! Skin is mildly acidic !
  • Oily skin’s pH is lower dry, sensitive skin’s pH is higher.
  • Don’t get yourself fooled! Washing with water only in the morning is not acceptable even after the perfect wash day before at night! Skin produces dead skins and sebum while you sleep. Mildly acidic cleanser softly removes those wastes and leaves skin hydrated all day long.


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