Rocket Punch - FLASH
* Date of Release : 2022. 08. 30
- BOOK BAND : 599 x 60 (mm) / Random 1ea out of 2ea
- PHOTO BOOK : 175 x 245 (mm) / 64p
- CD-R : 118 x 118 (mm) / 1ea
- PHOTO CARD : 54 x 86 (mm) / Random 1ea out of 24ea
- STICKER : 77 x 55 (mm) / 1ea
- MESSGAE CARD : 150 x 100 (mm) / Random 1ea out of 6ea
- CIRCLE PHOTO CARD : 85 x 85 (mm) / 2ea
- POSTER : 610 x 440 (mm) / Random 1ea out of 2ea

Payment & Security
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.